Brandon Agencies supply a wide range of fall protection and specialist intervention equipment for Military and Special forces. These items are used worldwide and have a proven track record. A small selection is shown below, contact us for details on our full range.
Foot ascender The PANTIN foot ascender is used with the CROLL, ASCENSION or ASCENTREE rope clamps to make rope ascents faster and less tiring. It is available in right- and left-foot versions Foot ascender The PANTIN foot...
Ball bearing swivel 2 x Sizes available The SWIVEL prevents the rope from twisting when the load is turning. Sealed ball bearings offer excellent performance and reliability Ball bearing swivel 2 x Sizes...
LIFT RIGHT / K6391BBLIFT LEFT / K6392BBHand ascenders for safe and smooth ascent available in two variants - for left and right hand the handle opening is extra-wide to accommodate gloved hands perfect choice for big wall or mountaineering endeavors For use with ropes of diameter 8 - 13 mm LIFT RIGHT / K6391BBLIFT LEFT /...
Transport bag intended for speleology and working at height super durable and very convenient made from waterproof and washable material Transport bag intended for...
Adjustable progression lanyard Adjustable progression lanyard allows continuous connection during all types of progression (rope ascent, traverse on a safety line...). Thanks to the ADJUST rope adjuster, the length of the adjustable arm can be quickly and easily adjusted. The connectors are held in the correct position for ease of clipping Adjustable progression lanyard...
20 Per Pack Complete and durable assembly: - comprised of a COEUR STEEL hanger, nut and bolt - made of steel , for interior uses or stainless steel for exterior use.- hanger anti-rotation system: textured back keeps the hanger from turning when the anchor is being installed or when it is heavily laterally loaded during use 20 Per Pack Complete and durable...
Guided type fall arrester and work positioning device for 11 mm ropes parking cam for locking in required position system of releasing LOCKER when loaded serial numbered EN 353-2, EN 358, EN 12841, 1019 Guided type fall arrester and work...
Dog harness intended for transport of the dog from a helicopter universal size side light alloy reinforcements easy and quick fastening with velcro maximum load 150 kg Dog harness intended for transport of...
Comfortable helmet for work at height and rescue With its strong chinstrap, the helmet sets the standard in head protection for workers at height. Its unventilated shell protects against electrical hazards and molten metal splash. Its six-point textile suspension ensures comfort, and its CenterFit adjustment system adjusts the headband and keeps the... Comfortable helmet for work at height...
DOUBLE STOP PLUS for 9-12mm static ropeDescender with anti-panic system in case of accidental loss of descent control DOUBLE STOP PLUS for 9-12mm static...
Robust multipurpose device for use in industrial rope access, with anti panic feature.EN 12841-C: max. load 225 kg, with static rope 10-12mm EN 341-A: load range 30-180 kg (max. descent distance 190 m), with 11 mm static rope Robust multipurpose device for use in...
Manually operated descender device with double auto-locking system allows a descent at a controlled speed and stop at any time for use with static (EN 1891) and dynamic (EN 892) ropes Manually operated descender device...