Gloves with free ends of fingers,...
Seat for greater comfort during suspension with the VOLT harness Seat for VOLT harness installs in the two side slots of the harness for increased comfort during prolonged suspension. Seat for greater comfort during...
EVA'LAD 2, Webbing rescue ladder, lg. 6 m, with integrated belaying system EVA'LAD 2, Webbing rescue ladder, lg....
Gravity type self closing gate. This gate will protect people against accidental falls through guard rail openings Video link click here Gravity type self closing gate. This...
Fibreglass telescopic pole max 8M Fibreglass telescopic pole max 8M
The ActSafe ACX POWER SUPPLY EU adds a reliable and continuous power source to the ActSafe Power Ascenders. The power supply system has been specially developed for the ActSafe ACCII and ACX Power Ascenders and is a reliable companion for any type of work. The ActSafe ACX POWER SUPPLY EU adds...